Me: gud morning officer
Vo:very good morning,Which university..?
Me:rivier university
Vo:what are the courses u r going to take in your first semister
Me:object oriented Design,operating system,algorithm
Vo:ok,which subject ru going to feel difficult in your masters
Me:Practcal java programming,sir
Vo:why did u feel it difficult
Me:I have attended several courses but anable to make it,and with my masters i can gain good knowldge in this field
Vo:ok,what is your,gre
me:278, it is ,pretty low sir
Vo:what is your ug%
Vo:how many backlogs did u have
Me:7 backlogs
Vo:when did u pass out
Vo:what r u doing since then
Me:working for xxxxxxx company as software engineer
Vo:how many employees work in your company
Me:120 sir(shocked)
Vo:What is your father..
Me..he has an agriculture land of xx and income of xx and savings of xx
Vo:thank u your visa is approved
GRE: 278
UG: 66.17%
University Rivier