F1 Visa Interview experience of Sivakrishna Chowdary at Hyderabad Consulate on 10-7-2014

Sivakrishna Chowdary
Visa Type
Interview Date
10-7-2014 12:00 AM

VO: documents please

me: so I gave 

VO: When did you passed out?

me: btech 2011 nd M.A. 2013

VO: M.A. in which university?

me: Azim Premji University, Bangalore sir

VO: What branch you did?

me: Master of Arts in Development

VO: What kind of development?

me: related to education, health, environment. Totally holistic development sir

VO: Why are going to U.S.?

me: to pursue M.S. in computer science sir

VO: You did Masters in arts right, why are going for computer science?

me: I wanted to develop health related applications for improving health and sanitation in India sir

VO: What kind of research you've done in masters?

me: I've done field studies related to health and education in several remote areas sir. Where I found that these people need technology to overcome these problems. 

VO: So you've wanna continue in technical sector or arts after study?

me: Sir I wanted to develop applications related to health after my masters.

VO: What is you GRE score?

me: 309 sir

VO: What subjects you are gonna take?

me: Database systems, algorithms and advanced data structures, application development on Android

VO: who is gonna sponsor you?

me: my father sir

VO: what he does?

me: business man and farmer

VO: do you have any siblings?

me: one brother and one sister

VO: What they are doing?

me: They both working as software engineers in India only

after 10 sec, he gave my I20 back and said the golden words,

"Your visa approved"

then I gave my fingerprints.


GRE: 309

University of Central Missouri