F1 Visa Interview experience of Venky at Hyderabad Consulate on 20-11-2014

Visa Type
Interview Date
20-11-2014 10:30 PM

Counter - 14

University - California State University, Fullerton

Major - Computer Engineering

VO was a young man aged 25-28 with long beard. Before me, VO approved 1 F1 visa and rejected 1 F1 Visas and this is my turn.

VO: Come forward and place your left hand fingers on the scanner

VO: Have you ever been to USA?

Me: No sir, this is my first time

VO: When did you pass out?

Me: 2013

VO: What are you doing since then?

Me: Sir, I have worked for Ziynx Soft Solutions as a Junior Network Admin for 1 year

VO: What is your major in bachelors?

Me: I completed my bachelors in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.

VO: What are your favorite subjects in bachelors and why?

Me: (told)

VO: Why have you choose this university?

Me: The course and its curriculum in this university are very close to my area of interest. CSUF also provides lot of work opportunities and also live projects to the students. Especially, professors like Dr. George Kiran is doing ongoing project which I have did in my bachelors. Under these professors I can enhance my skills.

VO: Why Computer Engineering?

Me: It is designed to provide hardware design and practical skills of the computer based systems.

VO: What is your favourite company in India?


VO: This is your second attempt, right? Why your Visa is rejected in last time?

Me: (I couldn't satisfy the VO)

VO: Who is sponsoring you?

Me: My parents sir

VO: How are they funding for your education?

Me: I have liquid cash of xxxxx in my savings account, my parents annual income is xxxxx and we have a fixed assets of xxxxx

VO: Don't feel nervous, be cool. (Then golden words came...) Your Visa is approved, have a nice stay in USA!

Me: Thank you so much sir, you made my day!

Be confident guys and maintain smile.

No information provided.